Maximizing Vertical Integration and Capabilities at Nissha Medical
by Carollyn Goldenberg, Engineering Supervisor at Wolcott, CT siteAs inter-site collaboration becomes increasingly essential in the medical device manufacturing industry, Nissha Medical has been leveraging its growing network of facilities to bring innovative products to life. A recent example of this is the successful release of a navigable drill system designed for spinal surgery. This single-use, sterile medical device required input and effort from multiple sites to bring it from concept to manufacturing readiness.Collaborative Design and DevelopmentAlthough the product was originally designed by the customer, Nissha Medical's Wolcott, CT, team took the lead in getting the device ready for production. The Design and Development Engineering team in Wolcott, working closely with Operations, spearheaded the process development and validation. This collaboration ensured that the device met the rigorous standards required for safe…