Defining Excellence in Cardiac Care: HeartSync’s PMA Journey

Defining Excellence in Cardiac Care: HeartSync’s PMA Journey

Patient Monitoring, Quality
In July 2023, Nissha Medical Technologies (NMT) achieved a significant milestone: Premarket Approval (PMA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its HeartSync line of disposable defibrillation electrodes. This marked the culmination of years of collaborative efforts across teams within NMT and external partners, solidifying the company’s reputation as a leading global manufacturer of disposable medical electrodes.A Foundation of ExcellenceThe journey of HeartSync began with the development of a high-quality defibrillation electrode by the HeartSync company, recognized for its safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness. NMT identified the potential of HeartSync’s products early on, leading to its acquisition in May 2019. This integration complemented NMT’s core expertise in disposable, wearable medical technologies and positioned HeartSync as a key brand within the company’s portfolio.Expanding Market PresencePrior to PMA approval, HeartSync products,…
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Maximizing Vertical Integration and Capabilities at Nissha Medical

Maximizing Vertical Integration and Capabilities at Nissha Medical

Capabilities, Patient Monitoring, Quality, Surgical Supplies
by Carollyn Goldenberg, Engineering Supervisor at Wolcott, CT siteAs inter-site collaboration becomes increasingly essential in the medical device manufacturing industry, Nissha Medical has been leveraging its growing network of facilities to bring innovative products to life. A recent example of this is the successful release of a navigable drill system designed for spinal surgery. This single-use, sterile medical device required input and effort from multiple sites to bring it from concept to manufacturing readiness.Collaborative Design and DevelopmentAlthough the product was originally designed by the customer, Nissha Medical's Wolcott, CT, team took the lead in getting the device ready for production. The Design and Development Engineering team in Wolcott, working closely with Operations, spearheaded the process development and validation. This collaboration ensured that the device met the rigorous standards required for safe…
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Pressing Forward: Nissha’s Journey Of Vision And Victory

Pressing Forward: Nissha’s Journey Of Vision And Victory

by Samantha Tilkins adapted from Rocky TsurutaAt the heart of every business decision lies a narrative—a story that intertwines past endeavors with future aspirations. For Nissha, the journey from its humble beginnings in 1929 to its present stature as a global leader in technology is one marked by visionary leadership, commitment, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.Founded by current CEO Junya Suzuki's grandfather, Naoki Suzuki, with just a single printing press procured a local newspaper company he previously worked at, Nissha began with just three employees including Suzuki and his brother. Suzuki was on a mission to revolutionize photographic printing in Japan. His dream was to produce “very high quality photographic printing, which no other can compete with” for the antiqueand artwork market in Japan—a dream that would soon galvanize a company and shape its destiny.Despite…
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HeartSync Defibrillation Electrodes’ Remarkable Journey To FDA Approval

HeartSync Defibrillation Electrodes’ Remarkable Journey To FDA Approval

Patient Monitoring, Quality
by Jason Obrokta In July of 2023, after much time, effort and expense, Nissha Medical Technologies (NMT) was awarded PMA approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its HeartSync line of disposable defibrillation electrodes. This signaled the culmination of successful efforts by many people inside and outside of the organization and further reinforces NMT as a world-renowned manufacturer of disposable electrodes.   The Origins of HeartSync's Success It all started with the foundation of a great product built by the HeartSync company and their design of a safe, effective, and economic defibrillation electrode. Nissha Medical Technologies had seen the growth and success with the products which made them an appealing acquisition for NMT and one that fit well in its core competency in disposable wearable products. The HeartSync…
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Supply Chain: The Benefit of Buying Medical Devices Local

Supply Chain: The Benefit of Buying Medical Devices Local

Capabilities, Careers, General Health, Patient Monitoring, Quality, Surgical Supplies, Sustainability
Our Global Footprint This is the first in a series of articles which will focus on our manufacturing footprint and the benefits it can bring to sourcing within your organization. Nissha Medical Technologies is a medical device manufacturer with office and manufacturing facilities located throughout North America and Europe. Our global footprint allows us to provide local sourcing to a large area of customers mitigating some of the supply chain challenges that have become common over the past couple years. At Nissha Medical Technologies we aim to Think Globally, Act Locally which allows us to provide the most complete service to our Jason Obrokta If there is one thing that the last few years have taught all of us, it’s that supply chains are sensitive and small disruptions can have very negative…
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