“Nissha Ecosense” is an expression of Nissha’s stance towards contributing to the solving of social issues through flexible imagination and technological capacity, based on an accurate grasp of social needs as we move towards a decarbonized society. Nissha leverages strengths by offering products and services that provide solutions to these social issues. Nissha works toward a better future using the 17 sustainable development goals:
No Poverty | Zero Hunger | Good Health & Well Being | Quality Education | Gender Equality | Clean Water | Affordable and Clean Energy | Decent Work & Economic Growth | Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure | Sustainable Cities & Communities | Reduced Inequalities | Responsible Consumption & Production | Climate Action | Life Below Water | Life On Land | Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions | Partnerships for the Goal

NMT works toward these goals every day. A few steps Buffalo Headquarters has taken toward a better society the last few months include:
- Switched to an environmentally friendly refrigerant on our HVAC rooftop equipment
- Recycling raw materials and scrap from finished goods through a partnership with Hanna Paper Recycling Inc.
- Switching to more eco-friendly LED lights throughout the building.
- Site-wide e-scrap recycling initiative
Click here to learn more about our Green Initiative.